TUESDAY 10.10.17
4 Rounds (Not For Time, For Quality. 18 Minute Time Cap):
10 Strict Ring Dips
15 Push Ups (Plyometric If Possible)
10 Chin Ups (Supinated Grip)
15 Barbell Bent Over Rows (Supinated Grip)
*All movements should be broken 1-2 times per set. Scale up/down if needed. Add weight to movement to scale up.
*Pushups are strictly chest to floor. To scale down, use a barbell on a rack and perform your pushups with your chest touching the bar each time.
AMRAP In 12 Minutes:
12 Burpees To Target
12/10 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Russian KB Swings (70,53)
*Reset Monitor For Each New Round.