Crossfit Body & Soul

CrossFit Body&Soul is a World-Class CrossFit facility located on Body&Soul's fitness campus. This is the energizing group interval fitness concept that has swept the nation! CrossFit Body & Soul is truly a one-of-a-kind workout broken into intervals of cardiovascular, strength training and body weight using a variety of equipment including running, rowing machines, Kettlebells and free weights to tone your body and gain energy throughout the day.

SATURDAY 2.15.25

Teams of two. One athlete works at a time.

For time:

2000/1700/1400 Meter row

90 Front rack reverse lunge (95,65) RX+(115,80)

80 Toes to bar

40 Single arm DB devil press (50,30) RX+(55,35)

1500/1350/1200 Meter row

70 Front rack reverse lunge (95,65) RX+(115,80)

60 Toes to bar

30 Single arm DB devil press (50,30) RX+(55,35)

1000/900/800 Meter row

50 Front rack reverse lunge (95,65) RX+(115,80)

40 Toes to bar

20 Single arm DB devil press (50,30) RX+(55,35)

*Reset monitor

FRIDAY 2.14.25


Thruster (from rack)

Work up to heavy single

For time:

50/40 Calorie bike


4 rounds:

200 Meter run

10 Hang squat clean thruster (135,95) RX+(155,105)

10 Burpee box jump (24,20)


50/40 Calorie bike



Barbell bent over row

4x12-15 increasing

For time:

1000 Meter run

50 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

50 American KB swing (53,35) RX+(70,53)

800 Meter run

40 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

40 American KB swing (53,35) RX+(70,53)

600 Meter run

30 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

30 American KB swing (53,35) RX+(70,53)

400 Meter run

20 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

20 American KB swing (53,35) RX+(70,53)

200 Meter run

10 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

10 American KB swing (53,35) RX+(70,53)

TUESDAY 2.11.25


Bench press (1&1/4 rep)

4x6-8 increasing

*Add a quarter rep to the bottom of the press

AMRAP in 15:00 (ladder style):

5/4 Calorie row

4 Burpee over rower

4 Toes to bar

10/8 Calorie row

8 Burpee over rower

8 Toes to bar

15/12 Calorie row

12 Burpee over rower

12 Toes to bar


*Two foot takeoff

*Reset monitor


2-3 sets:

20 Abmat sit up

20 Hollow rock

MONDAY 2.9.25


Squat clean

Work up to heavy single

For time:

20/16 Calorie bike

20 Clean & jerk (95,65) RX+(115,80)

25 Front squat (95,65) RX+(115,80)

20/16 Calorie bike

15 Clean & jerk (115,80) RX+(135,95)

20 Front squat (115,80) RX+(135,95)

20/16 Calorie bike

10 Clean & jerk (135,95) RX+(155,105)

15 Front squat (135,95) RX+(155,105)

*Reset Monitor.

*Athlete Is Responsible For Changing Their Own Weight. Clips Must Be On The Bar.


Teams of two. One athlete works at a time.

5 rounds for time:

400 Meter run together

40/36/32 Calorie row

40 Plate ground to overhead (45,35) RX+(65,45)

40 Hand release push up

40 Dual DB reverse lunge (50,30) RX+(55,35)

*Reset monitor

FRIDAY 2.7.25


Front squat

Work up to heavy set of 5

5 rounds:

With 3:00 on the clock, perform:

12/9 Calorie bike

20 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)

Max Dual DB devil press (50,30) RX+(55,35)

*Rest 2:00 after each round.

*Score is total devil press performed between all

5 rounds.

*Reset monitor.



Single arm DB/KB row

4x12-15 each arm

AMRAP in 15:00 (ladder style):

10 Double under

5 Toes to bar

5 Box jump (24,20)

1 Wall walk

20 Double under

10 Toes to bar

10 Box jump (24,20)

2 Wall walk

30 Double under

15 Toes to bar

15 Box jump (24,20)

3 Wall walk



2-3 sets:

15 Weighted anchored abmat sit up

:60 Weighted plank (45,35) RX+(65,45)



Hang power snatch + power snatch (touch & go) + 2 overhead squat

5 sets increasing

For time:

50 Deadlift (185,130) RX+(205,145)

30/24 Calorie row

50 Thruster (95,65) RX+(105,70)

30/24 Calorie row

50 Hang power snatch (75,55) RX+(95,65)

30/24 Calorie row

*Athlete Is Responsible For Changing Their Own Weight. Clips Must Be On The Bar.

*Reset monitor.

3183 SW 38th Court, Miami, FL 33146
