SATURDAY 11.18.17
Teams Of Two, One Athlete Works At A Time.
2 Rounds (30 Minutes)
Minute 0-5:
50/45/40 Calorie Assault Bike
With Remaining Time,
MAX Wall Balls (20,14) RX+(25,20)
Minute 5-10:
400 Meter Run Together
With Remaining Time,
MAX Step Down Box Jumps (24,20)
Minute 10-15:
120 Russian KB Swings (70,53)
With Remaining Time,
MAX Burpee Pull Up
*Reset bike monitor for the second round.
*Both athletes must complete the 400 meter run and be inside before starting the box jumps.
*Pull up bar must be set above arm’s reach.
*Score is total wall balls + box jumps + burpee pull ups.