TUESDAY 12.24.19
“12 Days Of Christmas”
Perform The “1”, Then The “2” + “1”, Then The “3”+”2”+”1”...Etc. Until All 12 Rounds Are Completed.
For Time:
100 Meter Run (Wall & Back)
2 Power Snatch (105,75)
3 Squat Clean (105,75)
4 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunges (Each Leg) (45,35)
5 Box Jumps (30,24) *Full Extension
6 Toes To Bar
7 Calorie Row *Reset Monitor
8 Calorie Echo Bike *Reset Monitor
9 Wall Balls (20,14)
10 American KB Swings (53,35)
11 DB Alternating Power Snatch (Each Arm) (45,30)
12 Burpee Pull Ups
For Time:
100 Meter Run (Wall & Back)
2 Squat Clean Thruster (145,100)
3 Bar Muscle Up
4 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunges (Each Leg) (65,45)
5 Box Jumps (30,24) *Full Extension
6 Hand Stand Push Up (Abmat+45’s)
7 Calorie Row *Reset Monitor
8 Calorie Echo Bike *Reset Monitor
9 Toes To Bar
10 American KB Swing (70,53)
11 DB Alternating Power Snatch (Each Arm) (50,35)
12 Burpee Chest To Bar Pull Ups