SATURDAY 9.11.21
Teams Of Two. One Athlete Works At A Time, Unless Otherwise Noted.
For Time (No Time Cap):
Buy In: 2,001 Meter Run Together
4 Rounds:
9 Bodyweight Complex
11 Barbell Complex (115,80) RX+(135,95)
*Bodyweight Complex: 5 Box Jumps (30,24) + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats
*Barbell Complex: 1 Deadlift + 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Rack Reverse Lunge On Each Leg + 1 Thruster
Buy Out: 2,977 Meter Row (While One Partner Rows, The Other Partner Must Hold A Low Plank)
The 2001 meter run represents the year of the attacks. The 9 and 11 reps represent the date. The 4 rounds signify the 4 planes that crashed. The 2,977 meter row represents the lives lost during the incident.