THURSDAY 2.23.23
4 Sets:
8-12 Barbell Bench Press *Increasing Weight
12-15 Barbell Bent Over Row *Increasing Weight
AMRAP In 12 Minutes (Ladder Style):
3 Burpee
5 Toes To Bar
7 Box Jump Over (24,20)
5 Burpee
7 Toes To Bar
9 Box Jump Over (24,20)
7 Burpee
9 Toes To Bar
11 Box Jump Over (24,20)
9 Burpee
11 Toes To Bar
13 Box Jump Over (24,20)
4 Rounds:
:45 Weighted Plank (45,35) RX+(65,45)
:15 Rest
:30 Hollow Rocks
:30 Rest