MONDAY 4.3.23
With 15 Minutes On The Clock, Perform:
Minute 0-3: Max Strict Hand Stand Push Up (Abmat+15’s)
Minute 3-4: Rest
Minute 4-7: Max Kipping Hand Stand Push Up (Abmat+15’s)
Minute 7-8: Rest
Minute 8-11: Max Wall Walks
Minute 11-12: Rest
Minute 12-15: Max Hand Release Push Ups
For Time:
20 Deadlift (275,195) RX+(315,220)
30/24 Calorie Bike
25 Deadlift (225,160) RX+(275,195)
30/24 Calorie Bike
30 Deadlift (185,130) RX+(225,160)
30/24 Calorie Bike
*Reset Monitor Each Round.
*Each Athlete Is Responsible For Changing Their Own Weight. Clips Must Be On The Bar.