Crossfit Body & Soul

CrossFit Body&Soul is a World-Class CrossFit facility located on Body&Soul's fitness campus. This is the energizing group interval fitness concept that has swept the nation! CrossFit Body & Soul is truly a one-of-a-kind workout broken into intervals of cardiovascular, strength training and body weight using a variety of equipment including running, rowing machines, Kettlebells and free weights to tone your body and gain energy throughout the day.

THURSDAY 4.20.17

Barbell Lying Tricep Extension (Skull Crusher)
5x15 Same Weight, As Heavy As Possible

For Time
Buy In: 200 Meter KB Farmer's Carry (53,35) RX+(70,53)
3 Rounds:
3 Rope Climbs
20 Push Ups
20 Hang Power Cleans (95,65) RX+(115,80) 
20 Alternating Pistols
Buy Out: 200 Meter KB Farmer's Carry (53,35) RX+(70,53)

*Push-Ups Need To Be Done Strict In Order To Count. Tight, Rigid Body Position Must Be Kept (No Worming). Chest Must Touch The Floor And Arms Must Fully Extend Up Up Top. 

3183 SW 38th Court, Miami, FL 33146
