Good Luck Michelle & Andrew! We’ll Miss You!
Teams Of Two. One Athlete Works While The Other Athlete Rests, Unless Specified Otherwise.
A) From Minute 0-10:
8,16,24,32...Power Cleans (115,80) RX+(135,95)
*30/27/24 Calorie Row After Each Round.
B) From Minute 10-15:
800 Meter Run Together
Rest Remaining Time
C) From Minute 15-25:
50 Synchronized Burpees
With Remaining Time, AMRAP Of:
Thrusters (115,80) RX+(135,95)
D) From Minute 25-30:
800 Meter Run Together
Rest Remaining Time
E) From Minute 30-40, AMRAP Of:
20/18/16 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Toes To Bar
30 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (70,53)
*Score Is Total Reps Completed In Part A + Total Thrusters Completed In Part C + Total Reps Completed In Part E.
*Reset Monitors For Each New Round.