Crossfit Body & Soul

CrossFit Body&Soul is a World-Class CrossFit facility located on Body&Soul's fitness campus. This is the energizing group interval fitness concept that has swept the nation! CrossFit Body & Soul is truly a one-of-a-kind workout broken into intervals of cardiovascular, strength training and body weight using a variety of equipment including running, rowing machines, Kettlebells and free weights to tone your body and gain energy throughout the day.

THURSDAY 12.24.20

“12 Days Of Christmas” 

Perform The “1”, Then The “2” + “1”, Then The “3”+”2”+”1”...Etc. Until All 12 Rounds Are Completed. 

100 Meter Run (Wall & Back)

2 Deadlift  (135,95) RX+(155,105)

3 Power Cleans (135,95) RX+(155,105)

4 Thrusters (135,95) RX+(155,105)

5 Burpee Pull Up

6 Box Jumps (30”,24”)

7 Calorie Echo Bike *Reset Monitor

8 Alternating DB Power Snatch (45,30) RX+(55,35)

9 Toes To Bar

10 Alternating Plate Overhead Reverse Lunges EACH Leg (45,35)

11 Alternating DB Step Ups EACH Leg (24”,20”) (45,30) RX+(55,35)

1200 Meter Row

3183 SW 38th Court, Miami, FL 33146
