FRIDAY 4.1.22
Deficit Barbell Reverse Lunge
3x12 Each Leg (Increasing, Non Alternating)
*Begin Standing On 45lb Plate.
5 Rounds
With 4:00 On The Clock, Perform:
300 Meter Run
With Remaining Time, AMRAP Of:
10 Hang Power Cleans (95,65) RX+(115,80)
10 Pull Ups
10 Wall Balls (20,14) RX+(25,20)
*Rest 2:00 After Each Round.
*Score Is Total Reps Performed Of AMRAP Between All 5 Rounds.
*Change Order Of Movements Every Round.
Round 1: HPC + PU + WB
Round 2: PU + WB + HPC
Round 3: WB + HPC + PU
Round 4: PU + WB + HPC
Round 5: HPC + PU + WB