MONDAY 10.2.23
Front Squat
4x5 Increasing Weight
5 Rounds
With 4:00 On The Clock, Perform:
300 Meter Med Ball Run (20,14) RX+(25,20)
12/8 Calorie Bike *Reset Monitor
Max Max Hang Squat Clean
*Round 1: (115,80) RX+(135,95)
*Round 2: (125,90) RX+(165,115)
*Round 3: (135,95) RX+(185,130)
*Round 4: (145,100) RX+(205,145)
*Round 5: (155,105) RX+(225,160)
*Rest 2:00 After Each Round.
*Each Athlete Is Responsible For Changing Their Own Weight. Clips Must Be On The Bar.
*Score Is Total Hang Squat Cleans Performed Between All 5 Rounds.