SATURDAY 8.17.24
Teams of two. One athlete works at a time.
With 40:00 on the clock, perform:
2000 Meter med ball relay run (5x200m each athlete.) (20,14) RX+(25,20)
120 Burpees to target (3x20 each partner, cannot be broken up. Target 6” or higher.)
75/60 Calorie bike (5x15/12 each partner, cannot be broken up. Reset monitor for each partner.)
With time remaining, AMRAP of (ladder style):
10 Hang power clean (135,95) RX+(155,105)
10 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)
10 Toes to bar
20 Hang power clean (135,95) RX+(155,105)
20 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)
20 Toes to bar
30 Hang power clean (135,95) RX+(155,105)
30 Wall ball (20,14) RX+(25,20)
30 Toes to bar