FRIDAY 11.22.24
Box jump
5x3 *increasing height
For time:
30-24–18-12-6 Deadlift
20-16-12-8-4 Bar facing burpee
10-8-6-4-2 Bar muscle up
*Round of 30: (185,130)
*Round of 24: (205,145)
*Round of 18: (225,160)
*Round of 12: (245,170)
*Round of 6: (275,195)
*Each athlete is responsible for changing their own weight. Clips must be on the bar.
*Two foot takeoff.
For time:
30-24–18-12-6 Deadlift
25-20-15-10-5 Pull up
20-16-12-8-4 Bar facing burpee
*Round of 30: (155,105)
*Round of 24: (185,115)
*Round of 18: (205,145)
*Round of 12: (225,160)
*Round of 6: (245,170)
*Each athlete is responsible for changing their own weight. Clips must be on the bar.
*Two foot takeoff.