FRIDAY 8.30.24
Hang power snatch + hang squat snatch
Work up to heavy complex
AMRAP in 20 minutes (ladder style):
10 Russian KB swing (70,53)
5 Overhead squat (95,65) RX+(115,80)
5 Pull up RX+(chest to bar)
1 Wall walk
20 Russian KB swing (70,53)
10 Overhead squat (95,65) RX+(115,80)
10 Pull up RX+(chest to bar)
2 Wall walk
30 Russian KB swing (70,53)
15 Overhead squat (95,65) RX+(115,80)
15 Pull up RX+(chest to bar)
3 Wall walk
40 Russian KB swing (70,53)
20 Overhead squat (95,65) RX+(115,80)
20 Pull up RX+(chest to bar)
4 Wall walk